Enterprise Risk Management

The Enterprise Risk Management Department serves as the organizational expert in risk identification and remediation, loss control and investigation and management of claims and as a key resource for compliance with federal, state and local regulations to accomplish the College District's mission to empower our diverse communities for success.


The Enterprise Risk Management Department addresses implementation of risk management for the District through a series of programs, plans and procedures including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Emergency Management
  • Environmental Health and Safety
  • Liability Insurance
  • Property/Casualty Insurance
  • Transportation Management
  • Workers' Compensation



Training is only offered to students, faculty and staff. All scheduled trainings are located in Alamo Talent. If you would like to request an additional training date, call 210-485-0999

  • Adult CPR, First Aid & AED Training
  • Adult/Child/Infant CPR, First Aid & AED Training
  • Evacu-Trac Evacuation Chair Training
  • Stop the Bleed

 Alamo Alert Information

 Emergency Notification System
Emergency Management

The Alamo Community College District Emergency Management Program (EMP) is a District-wide program that guides the emergency personnel and resources before, during and after a natural, technological or human-caused incident. Although this program does not cover every conceivable situation, it does provide comprehensive administrative procedures necessary to respond effectively to incidents caused by threats in the all-hazards environment. The Alamo Colleges Emergency Management Program manages, coordinates and supports planning, training, and exercises necessary to enable all Alamo Colleges to protect against, respond to, and recover from natural and human-caused emergencies.

The first priority and obligation of the District, within the limits of its resources, is the safety and health of students, employees and guests in the event of an emergency, disruption, and/or major interruption in the District's mission and operations.

Environmental Health & Safety

The Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) program will provide comprehensive guidelines for the Alamo Colleges. The primary objective of the EHS program is to promote safety and effective loss prevention practices. Making all employees aware of safe work habits through the adoption, implementation, and enforcement of the EHS Plan will ultimately reduce incidents and decrease expenditures.

The principles of the Alamo Colleges' EHS program are as follows:

  • The protection of human life is the first and most important concern at all times.
  • Alamo Colleges' operations ensure the protection of the environment through best practices.
  • Each employee, student, and visitor is responsible for prevention of potential incidents.
  • Reductions in the number of environmental, health and safety incidents through investigation, inspection and evaluation are vital.
  • Training and outreach increases individual awareness of environmental health and safety best practices.
  • Unsafe behavior is unacceptable.
  • Best practices require continual updates and revisions to safety protocols.
Emergency Notification Information

The Alamo Colleges Alert Notification System alerts you to severe weather and other emergencies using phone calls, emails and/or text messages. So it’s critical for you to keep your contact information updated so we can deliver the most accurate and up-to-the-minute news to you in an emergency. To find out how to update your contact information in ACES, click on the Help Guide on the right hand side of this page.

The Emergency Notification System enables us to schedule, send and track personalized voice messages to up to six phone numbers per person and immediately send messages four different ways:
• Voice messages to home phones, work phones, cell phones and email addresses 
• *Text messages to cell phones, PDA’s and other text-based devices 
• Text messages to email accounts 
• Messages to TTY/TDD receiving devices for the hearing impaired 

Contact information will only be used for Alamo Colleges’ notifications and will not be made available to any other service.

*Text messaging will be sent to the text enabled cell phone number provided in your personal information in ACES. By entering your cell phone number, you opt in to receive text messaging from the emergency notification system. For information on opting out of the text messaging option, see the FAQ in the right hand column of this page.

Emergency Guides

Active Shooter

An active shooter is someone with a firearm who is firing the weapon or threatening to fire the weapon near or on District property.
The response of people on campus can be summarized in the phrase: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.

Actions to take by anyone on the campus:

Move To A Place of Safety

Your goal should be to get away from the area of the shooter, or not be visible to the shooter. If you can leave and go to a place of safety, get out quickly, but be alert to the possibility of other gunmen.

Hide Securely Where You Are Located

If you are secure, stay at your location until instructed to leave and follow the instructions of ACPD officials. In most cases, the shooter will not stop until engaged by outside force. Attempt to rescue other people only if you can do so without further end-angering those inside a secured area. 
Perform the following:

  • Lock and barricade doors
  • Turn off lights and close blinds
  • Turn off radios, televisions, and monitors
  • Keep occupants calm, quiet, and out of sight using available protection (i.e. concrete walls, thick desks, and filing cabinets)
  • Using cover, have occupants spread out as much as possible, silence all cell phone ringers, and quietly notify the ACPD at 485-0911; identify who you are, your location, and the situation. Do not hang up the phone until you are told to do so.

Fight to Protect Your Life

Quietly discuss among those present a plan in case the shooter is able to enter your area. “Think survival.”
Prepare to use whatever resources you have to fight the shooter if he or she breaks into the room.
Calling 485-0911 from a campus phone will place you in contact with ACPD. Calling 9-911 from a campus phone will help you reach the San Antonio Police Department and ACPD.
What to report:

  • Your specific location - building name and office/room number;   
  • Number of people at your specific location;
  • Injuries - number injured, types of injuries;
  • Assailant's location, number of suspects, race, gender, clothing description, physical features; and
  • Types of weapon(s) (e.g. long gun or handgun), backpack, shooter's identity if already known, etc.

Police Response

Follow ACPD directions and do not make immediate or quick movements. (Officers are there to eliminate the threat and you do not want to be mistaken as a threat.) Keep your hands in the open with fingers spread apart.
The primary objective of the ACPD is to:

  • Immediately isolate and engage the assailant.


Bomb Threat

Bomb threats should be taken seriously. Most bomb threat calls are very brief. If you receive a bomb threat, remain on the line with caller, at the same time notifying a coworker to call ACPD at 485-0911 from a phone at a distance from the one you are using.

Anyone at the College who receives a bomb threat should:

  • Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line for as long as possible.
    • DO NOT HANG UP, even if the caller does.
  • Listen carefully. Be polite and show interest.
  • Try to keep the caller talking to learn more information.
  • If possible, write a note to a colleague to call the authorities or, as soon as the caller hangs up or immediately notify them yourself.
  • If your phone has a display, copy the number and/or letters on the window display.
  • Complete the Bomb Threat Checklist immediately (on other side). Write as much detail as you can remember. Try to get exact words.
  • Check the area for unusual packages, briefcases, or other items.
  • Do not touch any suspect or unidentified object that you find. (See suspect parcel guide).
  • Do not use electronic equipment such as cell phones or two-way radios near an unidentified item. (An electronic signal could detonate explosive devices).
  • All personnel in the immediate vicinity of the unidentified item must be evacuated and the area cordoned off.
  • If one or more buildings must be evacuated, use the designated Assembly Areas at least 1000 feet from the building(s). 
    • If the bomb is found outdoors, refer to the bomb threat evacuation guide and move further away.
  • Wait for the ‘All clear’ signal from the BAT Building Coordinator before returning to your workstation. No one should enter the building or attempt to return to his or her work area while an emergency is still in progress.

Approximately 70% of terrorist events involve the use of explosives. Explosives can be used to disperse other hazardous materials. Types of explosions are: Mechanical, Chemical, Nuclear, or Radiological. 
In the event of an explosion on or near District Properties, take the following action:

  • Immediately take cover under tables, desks, and other objects which will give protection against flying/falling glass or debris.
  • As soon as it is safe, notify the ACPD at 485-0911 and give them your name, the location of the explosion, and the nature of the emergency.
  • If a building evacuation alarm is activated, all employees, students, and guests shall proceed calmly/quickly to the nearest marked exit and to the pre-determined designated Assembly Areas, or as otherwise directed by the Building Coordinator of the Building Action Team.
    • If time permits, alert others to do the same.  If the primary exit is obstructed, use the alternative exit.
  • All employees shall provide assistance to those with mobility challenges who are exiting the building/buildings. Do not use the elevators.
  • Once outside, proceed immediately to the pre-determined designated Assembly Areas (at least 1000 feet away from the buildings). Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways, clear for emergency vehicles and crews.If feasible, do not establish Assembly Areas in parking lots.
  • If requested, ACPD, ERM, and/or Facilities shall assist Emergency Response Personnel as necessary.
  • ACPD or other first responders will establish an Incident Command Post near the emergency site, depending on the situation.  All personnel not part of the ERT shall keep clear of the Command Post.
  • DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless instructed by Building Coordinators through an official ‘All Clear’ message.

IMPORTANT: After evacuation, report to your pre-determined designated Assembly Areas. Do not leave because each supervisor and instructor must perform accountability at the designated Assembly Areas.  Individuals not accounted for and/or missing must be reported immediately to the BAT Building Coordinator, EOC ERT and the Incident Commander at the Incident Command Post. 

Fire and Arson

Arson is the unauthorized starting of a fire on school property, or assisting another in starting a fire. For any fire on or near District property immediately contact ACPD at 485-0911. 
College personnel should consider the following actions:

  • Know the location of fire extinguishers, fire exits, and alarm systems is in your area and know how to use them.
    • Training and information is available through the ERM at 485-0768 or 485-0206.
  • If a minor fire appears controllable, immediately try to extinguish it with the appropriate portable fire extinguisher by directing the charge toward the base of the flame.
    • IMMEDIATELY contact the San Antonio, Live Oak, or Universal City Fire Department by calling 911 or ACPD at 485-0911.
    • You can also call Facilities at each campus, and/or ERM at 485-0206 OR 485-0768.
  • If an emergency exists (a fire out of control), activate the emergency alarm system. CAUTION: SOME BUILDINGS MAY NOT BE EQUIPPED WITH ALARM SYSTEMS. In this case, individuals shall report the emergency by phone to ACPD, ERM, the Administration, and/or 911 if 485-0911 cannot be reached for ACPD.
  • For large fires that are uncontrollable, IMMEDIATELY evacuate all rooms/buildings, close all doors if time permits to contain the fire. DO NOT LOCK DOORS.
    • Immediately report the emergency by phone to ACPD at 485-0911, or 911 if ACPD cannot be reached.
  • All personnel shall proceed calmly and quickly to the nearest marked exit. Smoke is the greatest danger in a fire, so stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic.
  • NOTE: If you become trapped in a building during a fire and a window is available, place an article of clothing (shirt, coat, etc.) outside the window as a marker for rescue crews and first responders.
    • If there are no windows, stay near the floor where the air will be less toxic.
    • Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.
  • All employees shall assist anyone with mobility restrictions exiting the building. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS IN CASES OF FIRE.
  • After exiting, go to the pre-determined designated Assembly Areas for your building, or where a Building Coordinator directs you to go, at least 500 feet away from the buildings.
    • Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants, and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews. If time permits, alert others to do the same.
  • If requested, ACPD, ERM, and/or Facilities shall assist Emergency Response Personnel as necessary.
  • ACPD and other first responders will establish an Incident Command Post near the emergency site upwind from the fire.  
    • All non-essential individuals shall keep clear of the Command Post.
  • DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless told to do so by the Building Coordinator after they get Executive Management approval for an official ‘All Clear’ message.
Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials releases (in air, water, or on the ground/building floor) may be of a minor nature and easily managed at the site. The material may have little direct threat to most people, but there are people with extreme sensitivities to many common chemicals. Therefore, the District/Colleges will always take conservative action to protect people immediately by evacuating them from the site and moving them Upwind, Uphill and Upstream from any hazardous material release. 
In the event of an incident, the District/Colleges should:

  • Immediately report all hazardous chemical spills (large/small) to ACPD, ERM, and the Facilities Department.
  • Provide the exact location of the spill such as the room number, building number, and the name of the campus.
  • Follow detailed safety procedures in the chemical hygiene and/or HAZCOM plans in place at the campus laboratories or shops where chemicals and gases are used and stored.
  • If a chemical spill is discovered, or if there is a release of toxic gases, and there are trained individuals in the area:
  • Extinguish open flames in the area if it is safe to do so;
  • If there are vapors or noxious fumes, evacuate the affected area or building and do not re-enter the area until authorized personnel give the ‘All Clear’message.
  • All personnel shall vacate the immediate area and the building, unless instructed otherwise by the Building Coordinator, ACPD and ERM.
  • ERM shall arrange to have a certified environmental vendor evaluate and respond to the cleanup and proper disposal of any hazardous waste material.
  • Individuals who have been contaminated shall be isolated.  EMS and/or a fire service HAZMAT Team shall decontaminate all exposed employees and students as needed.  Employees must, as soon as possible, report the contamination to ERM through ACPD or by completing an Employee Injury Report.   
  • If a hazardous chemical spill occurs outside on the major interstate highways, railroads, shipping lanes, etc., near the College or other District properties, and the toxic fumes are approaching the campus, employees, students, and guests shall shelter-in-place and shut off ventilation systems, unless otherwise directed to take other actions by ERM, ACPD, the HAZMAT Team, and/or the Emergency Response Personnel.
  • ERM shall immediately notify the Facilities Department responsible for the District office or College campus to shut-off the fresh air intakes on the ventilation systems to prevent toxic fumes from entering the buildings and exposing employees, students, and/or guests to the potential health hazard.
  • ACPD and first responders shall establish an Incident Command Post to assess the hazardous situation.  The Incident Command Post shall be flexible and/or mobile and positioned upwind from the toxic fumes or spill.
  • All individuals contaminated by the chemical spill shall be evacuated and separated from others.  Their names shall be provided to the ERT, ERM, ACPD, HAZMAT Team, and EMS. The HAZMAT Team and EMS shall immediately render first aid and start the proper decontamination process.
  • If evacuation is directed, when the building emergency alarm systems are activated, all employees, students, and guests shall proceed calmly/quickly to the nearest marked exit and to the pre-determined designated Assembly Areas.  If the primary exit is obstructed, use the alternative exit. A Building Coordinator should direct you to a safe Assembly Area Upwind, Uphill, and Upstream
  • All employees shall assist people with mobility restriction who are exiting the building/buildings.  
  • Once outside, keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways, clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
  • If requested, ACPD, ERM, and/or Facilities shall assist Emergency Response Personnel as necessary.
  • The District/Colleges work diligently with ERM Environmental Health & Safety staff to ensure that highly toxic chemicals are properly used, stored and disposed when present on District property. The District also maintains a Right-To-Know Program that includes a complete inventory list of all chemicals and the Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to track and identify the chemicals in the District/College so staff and first responders will be able to identify and locate chemicals currently in use.  However, some hazardous materials incidents may happen off District property on fixed hazardous materials facilities and from rail, plane, truck or pipeline accidents. The District/College must take immediate actions to move people away from the threat, or in fast moving events, shelter people inside and close off ventilation systems.  Each incident will require a timely evaluation and response between District/College ERT staff and first responders.

IMPORTANT:After evacuation, report to your pre-determined designated Assembly Areas. Do not leave because each supervisor and instructor must perform accountability at the designated Assembly Areas.  Individuals not accounted for and/or missing must be reported immediately to the BAT Building Coordinator, EOC ERT and the Incident Commander at the Incident Command Post.

Hostage Situation

Hostage situations are rare. They may involve criminal behavior and assault, kidnapping or even gang activities.  Hostages may also be taken during robberies or commissions of terrorism, or during an active shooter event. 
Actions to take if you are taken hostage:

  • The initial 45 minutes are the most dangerous.
    • Follow hostage takers’ instructions. Be alert. The captor may be emotionally unbalanced; don't make mistakes which could endanger your well-being.
  • Be patient. Time is on your side. Avoid drastic actions.
  • Don't speak unless spoken to and then only when necessary. Don't talk down to the captor, who may be in an agitated state.
  • Avoid appearing hostile.
    • If possible, watch the captor’s location at all times, but do not stare. Treat the captor like royalty.
  • Try to rest. Avoid guessing the next step to take.
  • Comply with instructions as best you can. Avoid arguments.
  • Be observant. If you escape or are released, the personal safety of others may depend on your memory of your surroundings and details about the captors.
  • Be prepared to answer questions by ACPD if you are on the phone. Be patient.
    • Attempt to establish rapport with the captor.
    • If medications, first aid, or restroom privileges are needed by anyone, say so.
    • The captors, in all probability, do not want to harm their hostages. Such direct action further implicates the captor in additional offenses.
  • If a rescue team enters the holding area, remain on the floor with your hands exposed, fingers open (if you are untied), and make no sudden motions.
  • Do not speak to the rescuers unless they speak to you.
  • Follow the rescuers’ commands quickly and without hesitation.
Medical Emergency

In the event someone within the Alamo Colleges community (employee, student or visitor) experiences a medical emergency, the following steps should be followed: 

  • Ensure that the scene is safe before entering. If the scene is safe, do not attempt to move the victim until it is safe.
  • Call or have someone call 911 (see steps below) and ACPD at 485-0911.
  • Provide first responder care within the scope and limits of your training. Continue care until more advanced help arrives or the scene becomes unsafe.

A medical emergency can be defined as any situation where the victim experiences any of the following conditions: 

  • Unconscious or in an altered level of consciousness, such as drowsy or confused
  • Breathing problem or no breathing
  • Severe or persistent chest pain lasting more than a few minutes
  • Persistent abdominal pain or pressure
  • Severe external bleeding
  • Vomiting or passing blood
  • Critical burns (2nd or 3rd degree) covering more than 10% of body
  • Suspected poisoning
  • Experiencing seizures
  • Stroke Injuries to the head, neck or spine
  • Painful, swollen or deformed areas or open fracture
  • Any injury or illness where advanced medical care is needed

When calling 911 you should provide as much information about the victim and scene as possible, such as: 

  • Nature (e.g., medical) and address of emergency (street, building, floor, room, etc.)
  • Age and gender of victim
  • Symptoms
  • Existing health conditions and Medications victim takes (if known)
  • Do not hang up until the emergency operator instructs you to do so

Note: Under no circumstances should an employee or student attempt to transport a victim to the hospital or clinic.

Emergency Medical Services (EMS) should be called to transport the injured as they have equipment and skills to manage a victim if their conditions worsen, and can reach the closest trauma center faster and safer than people in personal vehicles can.

Directions for Reporting Injuries or Severe Illnesses

  • All medical emergencies involving employees, students and/or visitors should be reported as soon as possible to the ACPD and ERM by the staff member’s supervisor, the student’s faculty member, or the person doing business with a vendor.
  • Employees have a duty to immediately notify their direct supervisor of any known injury or illness.  The direct supervisor shall notify ACPD and ERM.
  • If a student is injured during their participation in a credit or continuing education course, the responsible instructor must notify ACPD, ERM and the College VP for Student Success.
  • Should a visitor become injured, the visiting College or District department shall notify ACPD and ERM.

Incident Investigations 

  • The Enterprise Risk Management Department may conduct an incident investigation to determine the root-cause of any injury or exposure event and provide corrective actions to avoid similar future incidents.

Workers Compensation Program 

  • If an employee is injured or becomes ill because of performing their job duties for the Alamo Colleges, the District’s Workers’ Compensation Program will address any compensable injury or illness.  The Workers’ Compensation Program is administered by ERM.
Missing Person

A formal report of a missing student is typically reported 24 hours after a disappearance. The initial report of a missing student may be reported sooner because of the person’s mental state prior to disappearance. A suicide note or other message indicates College students may kill themselves. Actions may also be taken sooner if there is a kidnapping note received about a student who has just disappeared. 

  • After establishing that threats meet the need for response, activate the Plan.
  • Establish the EOC and the ERT staff.
  • Contact ACPD at 485-0911 or 9-911 immediately
    • Even if 24 hours has not passed, if there’s evidence that an immediate search and intervention is justified, especially in the case of a serious medical condition, a potential suicide and a kidnapping event, make the call.  
  • Develop an Incident Action Plan with actions to:
  • Identify the person(s) involved and have Human Resources pull the student’s files.
  • Identify any key contacts for the student and contact them regarding the student.
  • Follow District policy guidelines for missing students.
  • Refer to the legal guidelines for actions regarding missing students (attached after this checklist).
  • Ensure all critical information is provided to ACPD and other law enforcement.
  • Develop a media strategy between the College Crisis Management Team and the ACPD PIO.
  • Provide internal outreach to College staff, faculty, students (and their families), the Board and Alumni regarding the missing student.
  • Develop a media strategy between the College Crisis Management Team and the ACPD PIO.
  • Provide internal outreach to College staff, faculty, students (and their families), the Board and Alumni regarding the missing student.
  • Provide support for family members of student arriving at the College.  
  • Monitor the situation by keeping in contact with ACPD and local law enforcement..
  • When it is confirmed that the student is found alive, injured or dead, work with the ACPD PIO to release only verified information coming from the County Sheriff, Medical Examiner and the FBI, if they are involved.
  • Inform the campus employees and students of an ‘All Clear’ so that they can return safely to all campus activities in case there was concern for safety on campus.
  • Reestablish campus operations with critical operations starting first.
Severe Storm

severe thunderstorm watch means severe weather is possibly approaching.  Continue normal activities but continue to monitor the situation. The watch may be elevated to a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning.
severe thunderstorm warning means that the approaching severe weather is deemed to pose an immediate threat to the area.  

  • Notify building occupants of the severe weather warning.
  • If it is a thunderstorm warning, people should be directed to stay indoors and away from windows until the storm passes.  
  • Note: At the first sign of lightning, all students should be inside the building.
  • If it is a tornado warning, people should be directed to seek shelter in a safe haven immediately. The ERT should issue a shelter-in-place order to the Building Coordinators on the Building Action Teams.
  • Tornado Watch: Conditions are right for a tornado. Tornado Warning: A funnel cloud has been sighted. Take Shelter ASAP.
  • People in vehicles should exit their vehicle if it is safe to move outside, and seek shelter in the closest sturdy building.
    • If a building is not available, lie flat in a depression such as a ditch or ravine, but cover your head to protect yourself from flying debris.
  • Shelter-in-place in basements, interior hallways on the lower floors and in small interior rooms on the lower floors.
  • Do not attempt to turn utilities or equipment on or off after a major power failure until you are directed that it is safe by Alamo Colleges Facilities staff.
  • After danger has passed, immediately report any injuries to ACPD at 485-0911. When calling, provide the following information:
    • Building name, number, and/or location.
    • Type of emergency.
    • Condition of the victim.
    • Any dangerous conditions.
  • Immediately leave a badly damaged building and do not attempt to return to the building until directed to do so by Building Coordinators who provide an ‘All Clear’ message.
Utility Interruption

Colleges and District Offices are subject to occasional losses of one utility or another. Unfortunately, it is difficult to operate if even one of these critical resources is interrupted, and may cripple operations if lost for a significant period (a day to a week or more).
The District/College should consider the following actions: 

  • In the event of a major utility or electrical distribution failure occurring during regular working hours 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, immediately notify Facilities, ACPD, and ERM.
  • If there is potential danger to building occupants, or if the utility failure occurs after hours, weekends or holidays, notify ACPD dispatch at 485-0911.
  • Facilities shall coordinate the repairs with the appropriate utility companies.
  • A building without power for more than 24 hours cannot be occupied by employees, students or guests until evaluated by Facilities and ERM personnel for habitability.
  • If a major power failure occurs on the campuses, the building/buildings shall be evacuated until the power is restored.  CAUTION: THE BUILDING ALARM RINGS ONLY IN SOME BUILDINGS. You must report the emergency by phone to ACPD at 485-0911.
  • When the building emergency alarm systems are activated, all employees, students, vendors and guests shall proceed calmly/quickly to the nearest marked exit and to the designated Assembly Areas.  If time permits, alert others to do the same.  If the primary exit is
  • obstructed, use the alternative exit.
  • All employees shall assist anyone with mobility restrictions who is exiting the building/buildings. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS IN CASES OF FIRE AND/OR EARTHQUAKE.   
  • Once outside, proceed immediately to the pre-determined designated Assembly Areas at least 500 feet away from the affected buildings. Keep streets, fire lanes, hydrants and walkways, clear for emergency vehicles and crews.
  • If requested, ACPD, ERM, and/or Facilities shall assist Emergency Response Personnel as necessary.
  • ACPD will establish an Incident Command Post with first responders near the emergency site. All personnel not part of the emergency management team shall keep clear of the Command Post.
  • DO NOT RETURN TO AN EVACUATED BUILDING unless given an official ‘All Clear’ message by the BAT Building Coordinator.



Emergency lights should provide sufficient illumination in corridors and stairs for safe exiting. However, it is advisable to have a flashlight available in the event the emergency lights malfunction and there is not sufficient natural light.


Cease using all electrical equipment. Notify Facilities. If necessary, vacate the area.


Cease all operations. DO NOT SWITCH ON LIGHTS OR ANY ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. Remember, electrical arcing can trigger an explosion! Notify Facilities.


Immediately notify Facilities and, if necessary, vacate the area.


If smoke odors come from the ventilation system, immediately notify Facilities and if necessary, cease all operations and vacate the area. In laboratory buildings, fume hoods do not operate during a power outage.  Do not use laboratories until the ventilation is properly restored.
If someone is trapped in an elevator, call ACPD with the following information:

  • Building name
  • Floor number
  • Nearest Room # (if applicable)
  • Nature of problem with elevator
  • Person to contact or telephone extension.



If there is an emergency affecting the water supply, follow all instructions from local authorities about purifying your water (commonly called “boil orders”) or use other water sources until authorities notify your community that it is safe to drink from the regular water supply again. Use the safest drinkable water you have first before turning to other water sources.

Vehicle Fire

Vehicle fires are most likely to occur in College parking lots or garages.  There are a few simple rules to remember if you encounter a vehicle fire. 
Notify ACPD or call 911 immediately.
Do not move towards a burning vehicle unless you have appropriate fire-fighting extinguishers and there is a life-and-death extraction needed of someone in the vehicle. Vehicles can explode. You may become a victim.
Move away from the area and stay away until fire personnel have extinguished the fire and ACPD announces it is safe to enter the area.  There may not be a widespread “All Clear” message released if it is a minor, quickly resolved event. 
If the ACPD decides a crime is associated with the fire, they may seal the area with stanchions and often with yellow and black tape.  Under no circumstance should anyone except first responders enter the sealed area unless they are requested to enter by fire or law enforcement officials. 
If your vehicle was damaged by the vehicle fire, contact your insurance company. The District is not responsible for damage to your vehicle when it is parked in a parking lot or garage. 
If the vehicle was set on fire because of an emergency (wildfire, bomb, hazardous material explosion, etc.), contact your insurance company, not the District. Reestablish campus operations with critical operations starting first.

Contact Us

Mike Legg
Director, Enterprise Risk Management
Office: 210-485-0206
Mobile: 830-237-9934


Steven Hall
Environmental Health and Safety Coordinator
Office: 210-485-0768
Mobile: 843-261-4876